Friday, July 25, 2008


so, we worked upon our interactory abilities today. Walking in "lanes" it was quite a fun time, with many interesting little mini-things that pursued. the standing and sitting was also fun, even though the exact worry that I thought would happen happened, which made me have to forget one of my rules and just go with the other. I am very curious what everyone chose for their rules now though.

As far as the play goes I have a lot of faith it will turn out amazing, the costumes are turning out wonderfully (if you really don't want to give/sell your vest to me, I totally understand :)) as I predicted. anyhow the framework is fun enough as it is.

I am very much looking forward to writing the songs for the play with reba, I believe it will be thouroughly enjoyable. I have many inklings on what I would like to do as far as that goes...

I saw a movie about bob dylan today... it was different, done by a very artsy director, but still made me think afterwards and I suppose that was the point...maybe... possibly... yea... it was, I can feel it.



P.S Ian please repeat after me:
love the straight lines,
feel the straight lines,
now with all your energy WALK IN A STRAIGHT LINE!...

Love you fin-dawg :3
that was a take on your popcorn excersize if you didn't pick that up... by the way

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