Thursday, August 7, 2008

Insert Clever Title Here

I'm currently baking a cake. A blue cake. I hope that it will be delicious, but you never know, do you?

I'm really looking forward to the Italian Run tomorrow and I have been brainstorming for awhile. Hopefully my ideas are good ones, but I'm not sure. I do have a rather odd sense of humour, which isn't always in line with normal peoples. Like that time I was watching a movie on a plane, and the women next to me was watching and I kept laughing and she never even smiled. I felt so awkward!!

Anyway, back to the point. One idea I have may or may not even be allowed. Though it does technically follow the rules. I'll ask tomorrow.

There is one thing I'm nervous about, and that is that my friend Mandi is coming and I need to give her a lift home and was wondering if she could help strike? She does it a lot, since this is almost always the case and has striked a couple of my plays before, though never any of her own. (we go to different schools) It's sad when a friend is more active in your drama program then with her own.

I'm also really really really sad about tomorrow being the last day! I'm going to miss everyone so much! I can't remember the last time I laughed so much, in such a concentrated space of time. Which probably says sad things about my social life.

I would say more, but I'd like to go to bed early(ish) and I have a cake to finish.


- - Cat (O'Connor) O'Grady

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