Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My cakes are working! And not overflowing! Hallelujahhhhh!
Anyways, this morning was fantastic. Who knew being a 2 could be so entertaining? I loved switching from an 8 to a 3 and wanting the same thing. It changes your tactics and the way you interact with people around you. Generally, I love our exercises involving chairs. I mean, subway with the crazies, standing up and sitting down on impulse, and now the status chairs! Any chance a round of musical chairs is on the way?
It was also enlightening to go over the U-T-A Uta questions with everyone. I loved Phebe's answers, Anna seems like she's done a lot of thought.

Rehearsal today was shaky, mostly due to songs and entrances. Amiens, Touchstone, Audrey, and Micheal- maybe we can meet at 9:30 and get some solid work done on Lover and his Lass? Pretty much none of us knew what we were doing, haha. We'll get it eventually. I'm sure tomorrow will be better, today was our first full run through with costumes and music, so problems were bound to arise. So if all of us look at our lines, then we will be golden!

PHEBE/AMANDA/ANNA- You look AMAZING in that pink dress! Like, I cannot get over it. Ahhhh. I will see all you lovely people tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I very much like the idea of meeting at 9:30 to do some song work. I'll be there.

+ Jackie