Monday, August 4, 2008

The day of speaking

Today we mostly listened and that's ok because it was all really useful information and quite fascinating. *Heads slowly out of door in middle of monologue*

I really enjoyed getting Ian's perspective on holding a career, being comfortable with auditioning, Equity, and, of course, hearing all those great real-life stories- hahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, man guys... I can't believe this is the last week- it's been SO MUCH FLIPPIN' FUN!!!!!! from lean cuisines to bad dreams and Krispy Kremes and strange people asking for your number, STC has been an excellent bonding experience. and the show is coming along great- let's just try and get those lines... aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! But the costumes are coming together and the set looks great and everything is coming together rather nicely :-)

And Anna... how could I not forgive you?!!! Phoebe I might have a problem with... but YOU'RE cool!!!!

Suzanna Ziko

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