Monday, July 21, 2008


So, I'm not really sure about how best to do this, so I'll just get straight to the point, shall I?

Today was the first day, and to start off, we did a whole bunch of exercises and stretched to warm up, which is probably a good thing, given my tendency to injure myself over practically nothing. Following that, we did some activities, the most memorable of which was one that included choosing two people- one to run from, one to use as a sort of bulwark. I thought it was really funny, since I fairly certain that the person I choose to run from chose me as their protector. I also thought that it was very interesting that, though the 'protect, avoid' thing seemed to be an equally important, if not secondary goal to filling the space, that first part seemed to become less of a priorities, falling to the metaphorical wayside. Which I suppose just shows that I need to work on my multitasking =^.^=.

Another one that was pretty fun was the whole movement/phone-number thing. I had a lot of trouble remembering which # were which, especially the middle ones, and I know that what I did was most definitely not my phone number (all though it was close).

Then was the mirror part, which I've never actually done before. It was really interesting to mimic another persons actions and to give them the unique twists called for later, but still retain the basics of the original movement.

Later was script reading, which I also really enjoyed. Though I have my lines memorized, I'm still way off on my cues, mostly because, while practicing line backstage it is best to not ask for such a task as it may cause actors to miss their own cues (which is bad). It was also really interesting for me to hear how each person brought something new to the table, to listen to each person unique way of reading those line, be it in punctuations and emphasis or in their pitch and volume. It was pretty neat for me, since how I had previously held the lines in my head while reading, and how each person sounded totally different from how I would have thought to do it, which for me is a really good learning experience, to look at how someone does somehting and think 'huh, I really liked that.' and try and make yourself better through that, but not trying to completely copy them.

All in all, I pretty much had a blast and am really looking forward to the next few weeks.

- - Cat O'Grady

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