Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let's go to the morgue!

Today we experimented with improv which was soooo fun! I absolutely adored the subway game. Suzanna's laughter syndrome was hilarious and Reba's "Can I hav yo numbah?" was just classic. I must say, however, that the the scene with the "You have a nice face." line was really awkward for me. I think I'm beginning to break out of my shell a bit though. I just need to stop having ADD moments and listen more.

Rehearsal was great today and I enjoyed running through the play. Now I'm just anxious to get that darn script out of my hand so I can actually do stuff! (I mean, really, my script is just so bulky and hard to handle on stage. Plus, the fact that it's flaming hot pink just makes me want to smack it. I guess I must be part bull or something.)

That's all, folks!


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