Tuesday, July 29, 2008

so i'm back from the concert

which turned out to be the most monumental event of my life.
It most certainly dwarfs things likes wedding, births, deaths, those sorts of things.
Anyways, I'm exhausted, so this will be short.

SCENEWORK: Kicked like, every pound of ass in the world. It was amazing! I loved Leo and Anna's scene, SO CUTE. And Kayla, you are by far the most talented bipolar skank on the planet. I really like the rehearsal technique of saying what your character is thinking before saying the written line, it is very useful to create a subtext that you can rely on.

LUNCH: KKC members, I love you all dearly. But guess what suckahssss? I'm going to heaven and YOU'RE NOT. So ha.

REHEARSAL: The frenetic scene with Orlando, Rosalind, Phebe, and Silvius made my day.
Until Adam of Maroon 5 sang the Sesame Street theme song, and then my day got made again.
Anyways, great blocking and once everyone gets a better hold on what they're doing, the energy is going to be throug the roof!

I love you all, good night, don't let the bed bugs bite!

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